Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A disappointing finish to the 2012 election, after the count of Absentee Ballots, Judge William “Bill” Hogencamp lost his race for Town Judge. Bill worked a great campaign with honor, integrity and pride. We wish Bill lost of success in the future. Keep checking our facebook page at!/pages/Austerlitz-Republicans/130244128113 or stopping back here for the final results as we get them from Board of Elections. Hopefully by tomorrow. Please share your thoughts on this election. We really need to up our game and need your input to achieve success in the future. When you consider the time and effort that Bill spent on this election and still lost, it proves that we need to up our ante. It only takes a few minutes, and it is valuable information that is used for further elections. Once you complete the survey you can forward it to a friend for their participation as well. Here is the link to the survey . Thank you, for your help!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

2012 Election Survey Time!

Please take a few minutes to complete our annual election survey. We need your feedback to make the Austerlitz Republican Party better than ever! Thank you in advance for your time. Click here to take survey

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Check out these post election results

Ever wonder how the elction process broke out county wide?  Check out the Wall Street Journal's interactive map on election results.  It is pretty cool!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Austerlitz Results are in

This is the preliminary Austerlitz Results.  Stay tuned for a break out by party and district.

There are 162 Absentee Ballots outstanding.
Quick Summary of Election Totals for Austerlitz 1 & 2 
President/Vice President
Obama/Biden 492
Romney/Ryan 284
Stein/Honkala 12
Johnson/Gray 9
US Senator
Gillibrand 566
Long 211
Clark 6
Edges 6
Mangelli 1
19th Congressional District
Schreibman 408
Gibson 364
Justice of Supreme Court 3rd Judical District
Mott 473
Kavanagh 279
Schick 355
Malone 282
Weissmann 46
State Senator
Andrews 410
Marchione 34
McDonald 58
State Assembly
Roberts 491
McLaughlin 286
Town Judge
Cassuto 382
Hogencamp 403

Thank you everyone for your support!

What is the Electorial College Vote?

This is a great article that explains the Electoral College Vote  Once you read it, American History and or Social Studies will come back to you!


Monday, November 5, 2012


In case you have forgotten, election day is this Tuesday, November 6th, 2012.  The polls open at 6am and close at 9pm.  Voting is at the Spencertown Firehouse on Memorial Drive.  To see a sample ballot click here:

If you need a ride to the polls, call us at 518-610-5396.

We really need your support to VOTE for Judge William Hogencamp.  Please tell your friends and neighbors why they should vote for Bill.  In case you need facts regarding Bill, click here:

Tuesday, Nov. 6th , 4:30-7:00
$10.00 adults/$5.00 kids

 All the fixings:  Pork, mashed potatoes, red cabbage, beans, homemade applesauce, rolls, beverage and homemade desserts!

This is a big election year, so please go out and vote and then stop at St. Peter's to support The Tower Club.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at the Polls!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

We need your help!

Please volunteer to be a Poll Watcher this Tuesday, November 6th, 2012.   to sign up click here:

If you have any question please email us at