Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Integral to Board - Great letter to the editor of support to Carol Pinto

Integral to board

By Susan Haag
Spencertown | Posted: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 12:30 am

In the short four years that Carol Pinto has held the office of Town Board member for the town of Austerlitz, she has acclimated herself well to the job. Always prepared, asking pertinent and relevant questions, Carol is an integral part of the Town Board. As decisions are made, Carol is careful to be fair, follow the laws, and to watch as possible precedents are set.
Carol is not content to occupy a chair once a month, but rather spends hours researching so the decisions she makes are with facts in front of her and well thought out.
Carol has been instrumental in updating the ridgeline protection section in the town of Austerlitz’s Code. Taking a difficult and complicated area that needs careful and implementable regulations, Carol worked across party lines to present new maps and wording to the Town Board for consideration.
Carol cares about her community. Even before she was an elected member of the Town Board, Carol came to meetings keeping abreast of what was happening. Carol served for over seven years on the Town of Austerlitz' Planning Board and on the Columbia County Environmental Management Council.
Being well versed in town issues, experienced, intelligent, and ready to serve another four years, Carol Pinto is an excellent choice for Town Board member for the town of Austerlitz on Nov. 5.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Tuesday, November 5
6am to 9pm
Spencertown Firehouse
Memorial Drive
Spencertown, NY

Reasons to Vote

 «      It’s our right and our duty.

«      Representation, we want people in office who best represent our needs and concerns.

«      If you don’t vote, someone else will.  Our government was designed for citizen participation.

The 2013 Slate of Candidates are residents who have lived, worked and raised their families in the Town of Austerlitz.  They are leaders who demonstrated their dedication and commitment to our town by serving various capacities for many years.  They believe in consensus, good communication and transparency in government.  They believe in diversity not just in political party affiliation but also diversity in ideas and experience is important.  They believe in achieving a balance of representation in our town government.  They would like to continue to work for the people of the Town of Austerlitz and they ask for your support and your vote.  Please remember to vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2013.  Thank you.
We are Experienced in our positions, Loyal and Dedicated to our Community. 

Austerlitz Republicans
PO Box 241, Spencertown, NY 12165
AusterlitzReps@aol.com  518-545-4670

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Countdown to Election day.

We are counting down to election day, can we count on you for your support and vote?

As we are sitting here on this chilly, fall day, would you take a moment of time to send a letter to the editor of the local papers, explaining the importance of voting for our candidates?
Here are the email addresses:

Columbia Paper - news@columbiapaper.com

You can also post directly to the Register Star's website by clicking this link: https://registerstar-dot-com.bloxcms.com/site/forms/online_services/letter/

If you need any help, a sample draft letter, or have any questions, please call us at 518-610-5396 or email us at Austerlitzreps@aol.com


If for any reason you think you may not be able to vote on Election Day, here is the link to get an Absentee Ballot
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B30C0Npe0B9EelJxY1FQVHc3djg/edit?usp=sharing If you need a printed copy, please contact us we will get one for you.  The last date an Absentee Ballot Application can be postmarked is October 29th.  However you can always go to Board of Elections at 401 State Street in Hudson and complete an application, receive your ballot immediately and vote.  (it is very easy).  Board of Elections will be open Monday -Friday 8am to 4pm.  For more information please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EE2be-dI0qb07KuxYGM35HVCKHzOedXaxi0MthtQeVc/edit

We need your help for this Election here are some of the many ways you can help.
If you would like to be a Poll Watcher, A poll watcher marks off people who vote as they vote, it is great fun, you get to meet your neighbors.  Usually Poll watchers can graduate to Election Inspectors.  Those are the people who work at the polling site. 
An easy way to help, forward this email to your neighbors, explain why they should vote for our candidates.
Have you checked out our Website lately? www.austerlitzrepublicans.blogspot.com, or our Facebook Page?www.facebook.com/pages/Austerlitz-Republicans/130244128113.  We are constantly adding important Election Information to these sites.  Also, we are close to get 100 likes on Facebook, so please "like" us.   
Also, if you could call your friends and neighbors, help with mailings, or help in a way we have not thought of, please email us at Austerlitzreps@aol.com

The Austerlitz Ballot is out, if you would like to familiarize yourself with the ballot, https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0wNKCnpHjpQbGpTb09GVVM0T28/edit?usp=drive_web
2013 ballot - Copy

Thank you for being a Republican and for everything that you do!

Absentee Ballots

If there is a chance you will not be able to get to the polls to vote on the is Election Day, please fill in an Absentee Ballot Application.  The application needs to be postmarked by Tuesday, October 29th.  Here is a link to get the ballot: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0wNKCnpHjpQbGpTb09GVVM0T28/edit?usp=drive_web

If you have questions or would like more information, please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EE2be-dI0qb07KuxYGM35HVCKHzOedXaxi0MthtQeVc/edit

You can also go to Board of Election at 401 State Street and vote in person.  They are open Monday through Friday 8am to 4pm.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Learn more about Jeffrey Braley

Learn more about Jeffrey Braley, our candidate for Town Supervisor.


How well do you know Matthew Verenazi?

Matthew Verenazi is seeking another term on the Austerlitz Town Board.  Learn more about Matthew by clicking here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c0nvPiAThT7UVFTAwZWL5AeR033TP9jCXU2WIo8efuw/edit?usp=sharing

Learn more about Carol Pinto

Carol Pinto is seeking to renew her term for Town Council.  Learn more about Carol by clicking the following link:


Get to know Karen Kellogg

Would you like to learn more about our Town Justice Candidate, Karen Kellogg, click the link to know Karen Kellogg: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wRuF_g7LoQ9GQb9pKGvnkTyzhVyT3vN-1iESN64nfYM/edit?usp=sharing

Did you read this week's Chatham Courier yet?

Did you read this week's Chatham Courier yet?

Austerlitz Supervisor Braley faces challenger Lagonia
Read the article online by clicking here:http://www.registerstar.com/chatham_courier/news/article_c5328f72-367c-11e3-863a-0019bb2963f4.html

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Republican Signs are in.

Republican Signs are in. 
If you or someone you know would like lawn signs, please email us at Austerlitzreps@aol.com, call us at 545-4670, or even text us at 610-5396 for signs.  We will get them to you!  

We need your help! 
If you can send us a donation it would be greatly appreciated, click here to go to our website http://www.austerlitzrepublicans.blogspot.com or support the postal system and mail it to Austerlitz Republicans, PO Box 241, Spencertown, NY 12165.
We need volunteers to help with mailings, putting out signs, to be poll watchers, getting people out to vote and/or have suggestions to share, please email us at Austerlitzreps@aol.com to sign up, or go to our web site http://www.austerlitzrepublicans.blogspot.com/ 

Thank you for your support!
The Austerlitz Republican Committee