Next Tuesday, November 19th is the Chatham Central School District’s controversial vote on the consolidation of the Chatham Middle School and capital project. If you would like to hear more about what the school is proposing there is an open meeting with the School Business Manager, Michael Chudy and Superintendent, Cheryl Nuciforo tomorrow, Thursday November 14th at the MED School, 4 pm in the Faculty Room. If you are interested in attending please email
Below are some links that you can check out regarding the closing of the school, some for closing and some against the closing. Most importantly do not forget to vote next Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at the Mary E Dardess School, 9am to 9pm.
CCSD Q and A
If you or someone you know would like to get involved with the Austerlitz Republicans, and become a committeeperson, email us at and we will let you know what is involved in becoming a committee person!
Thank you
The Austerlitz Republican Committee
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