Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Planning a Trip? Will you be here November 8th?

If you are unable to vote on November 8th, for any of the following reasons?

1. Be absent from the county on election day (work, vacation, school, college, leisure activities, social events)
2. Are ill or have a disability, either permanent or temporary, maybe someone in your family is having a baby?
3. Are caring for someone who is ill or has a disability, either permanent or temporary
4. Is a patient in a hospital, nursing home, VA Hospital
5. Is in jail/prison awaiting trial, or action by a grand jury or is in prison or jail on any conviction which is not a felony.

You can still vote, complete an Absentee Ballot Application, information on how to vote via Absentee Ballot by clicking here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yUPkaA_9BDwdovMFlmGjn8hpxYY8bxfEAM_PKuYMVKQ/edit?hl=en_US

If you need an Absentee Ballot, click here http://www.columbiacountygop.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/CC-BOE-Absentee_App.pdf

As anyways call us at 610-3391 or email us at Austerlitzreps@aol.com if you have any questions.

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